Why our house clearance service is the best option

Maximum Recycling, Fully Insured, Fully Licenced, Zero To Landfill, Value of Contents Taken into Account When Pricing. Free House Clearance Quotes With No Obligation.


ClearThis Ltd are very responsive. We are available 7 days a week and even evenings to fit in with your requirements. Call Jennie to discuss your job.

Great Service

Our teams want to provide the best possible service to all our house clearance customers. They will answer any questions you may have .


Hoarders House Clearances and Bereavement Home clearances can be traumatic. Our caring staff will support you through this difficult task.

Messages From Our House Clearance and Used Goods Customers.

Our customers often send us nice messages about our services, whether it is House Clearance, Office Clearance or Used Goods Sales.


Ebay Customer

Fantastic service and communication. I would recommend you to anyone. Item arrived well packaged and on time.



House Clearance Customer

I'd like to thank Jennie and the team for clearing my late fathers property without me needing to attend. The key colection and drop of service was excellent.

houseclearance chorley


House Clearance Chorley

"Thank you for making it painless, pleasant and most of all hassle free! I am so pleased with the service you provided. Thankyou Jennie

House Clearance Blog

Updates, Unusual House Clearance Finds, Before and after photos.

Get in Touch

Via The Contact Form, by Phone or pop in and see us.

Find us at the office

Unit 21a North Street, Chorley PR7 1QD

21 Shakespeare Terrace Chorley PR6 7AQ ( Head Office Mail Only )

86a Coronation Street Blackpool ( by appointment only )

Give us a ring

Lancashire House Clearance ( A trading name of Clear This Ltd)
07833 448272
Mon - Sun, 8:00-20:00

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